Wednesday 9 November 2011

Packing my suitcase

Usually the next step after a trip has been set up and after everything has been booked and arranged, is, more often than not, characterised by preparatory activities. As the departure date comes closer and closer, this preparation stage usually involves fetching the travel documents, notifying friends and family members or asking neighbours to look after one’s plants and, of course, packing one’s suitcase(s). In my case, don’t need to pack a suitcase. In fact, I tend to skip this step entirely, not only because there is no real need for me, a cuddly teddy bear, to prepare anything for my travels, but also because, in the majority of cases, I don’t know where I am going until I get there. What tends to happen is that I’ll spontaneously decide to accompany people I already know or people I have not met before to wherever they are going. My fellow travellers would then take me to different places in the world either by car, plane, train, ship, bicycle or foot and one day I might end up sweating in a desert whereas another day I might be freezing cold on top of a mountain. Wherever it is I’m going, I am convinced it’s going to be exciting and I’m looking forward to telling you all about my journey.

Meeting my fellow travellers

In case my fellow travellers have dropped me off somewhere and you find me, please pick me up, as I would happily join you on your trip. You can also leave me there and I’ll just wait until I meet someone that would like me to accompany them, or you can post me back home if you like. Just send me a message on this blog and I’ll give you my home address. If you decide to take me with you on your journey, it would be fantastic if you could take some pictures of me and email them to me. As soon as you’ve arrived back home and you would like me to continue my journey by myself, you can either pass me on to someone you know, you can drop me off somewhere where I am likely to be found or you can post me to my home address.

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